
A Modern Chant

Go Back to Where You Came From

by Robert Becker


Where have I heard that before?

A Pharisee? An Evangelical Christian?

A republican zealot?


To where are we all supposed to go?

Germany, the land of our ancestors, our origin?

Norway, Sweden, Africa or Ireland?


Is it a matter of color? You don’t like red hair,

black, yellow or red skin is offensive to you?

Or should everyone simply step aside so you might prosper?


I’ve heard it said “build a wall to keep them out”

and “make them pay for it,” too!

How noble and patriotic of you.


The pious, all knowing, ubiquitous you calls into question 

the integrity of your thoughts. “For my thoughts are not your 

thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” says the LORD.


So then would we be offended if the natives asked us,

“To go back to where we came from?” after we’ve stollen

their dignity, livelihood and removed them from their land?


And there will be no restitution, retribution over your dead body,

to think that for the sins you continue to levy and chant,

“Go Back to Where You Came From.”


“Go Back to Where YOU Came From!”