
Quote for the day!

Roe vs. Wade quote of note

If every time men had sex, they risked death, physical disability, social shunning, a life altering interruption of their education or career, and the sudden life-long responsibility for another being, I think they’d expect a choice in the matter.

If every time a man raped a woman he was convicted and forced to pay for the abortion and trauma – or – pay restitution for the child until adulthood if conceived. I think they’d expect a choice in the matter.

If the courts in their infinite wisdom were concerned at all for justice for everyone other than a white male. I think there’d be choice in the matter.

Just Saying!


Growing Old

A Feeble Old Man

by Robert Becker

The feeble old man moves slowly 

cane in hand to the window, 

he looks out to the dawn of a new day 

his wife still in bed, a twinkle in her eye.

The years have passed quickly, 

the old man sighs as he looks out, 

his wife implores him

come back to bed you old fool.

He sees the twinkle in her eye, 

as he slowly returns to her, 

they’ve shared a bond through all the years, 

Beethoven’s “Ode to Joy” begins to play.

“Ever singing, march we onward, 

Victors in the midst of strife, 

Joyful music leads us Sunward 

In the triumph song of life”

A loving caress is exchanged, 

their oath “till death do us part,” 

secured through time, their fire of love still lingers 

in limbs growing old, now frail after all the years.



The Republican Party and the Republican stacked Supreme Court are hell bent on taking this nation back to the days of Slave period laws, the genocide of Native Americans, lack of rights for women, closet lock down efforts of gay rights and the authoritarian landowner rules of white men. The disregard of human right that has been the foundation of white male rule, based on their cloak of Christianity, continues to be morally unjust to this day. This nation has been founded on the absence of human right. Though Jesus and even Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. believed in non violence, love and peace, this nation has been overthrown by authoritarian white male genocide. I am not sure that Malcom X, James Baldwin are incorrect in feeling that our only alternative to a just society is by mobilizing an armed society of people of color, Native Americans, immigrants and all of those of us truly sympathetic to freedom to overthrow the unjust laws and dictatorial rule of the white male, Republican, capitalistic mindset of hateful laws of the unjust. Their continued genocide of the masses must be stopped or mark my words they will be continuing their effort to eliminate anyone their theory labels unclean in their “unclean” eyes. White nationalism and Fascism continues to have deep roots in America. Lynching, murder, rape, Jim Crow laws, abuse, bullying, institutionalizing, incarceration, segregation, denial of voter rights, and weighted legislation are all ways Republicans continue their denial of human rights. But boy aren’t they afraid of a women’s right of choice, gay rights, equality in education … historical truth, or truth in general. It seems unconscionable in light of the mantra of the United States as a beacon of freedom, which of course is a joke in the eyes of the world while the freedom of our masses are systematically being denied.


And maybe Republicans and the NRA really just want Republicans and their militia sympathizers to own the guns? Hmmmm – never know when you’ll need a machine gun to go duck hunting. Conceal and carry too.


They Clipped Their Wings

Their Wings Were Clipped

by Robert Becker

We helped them grow their wings,

sent them off into the world.

Black, brown, white, gay and straight

all deserve a chance to fly.

With hopes and dreams, the world to see, 

wings of love, a myriad of possibilities, 

their achievements to offer

as the nation sits by to watch them die.

Natives, slaves, women, children and gay.

From their homes, their schools, churches, 

theaters and event centers,

white men guns and laws clipped their wings.

As America the beautiful watched,

Christians, “One Nation Under God,”

raped, lynched, gathered scalps, parading 

in their white hats as they clipped their wings.

Guns of carnage promoted and protected 

in the halls of congress, Supreme Courts, 

police departments and churches,

all unwilling to save or protect the wings of children.


The Younger

I Wish I Were Younger

by Robert Becker

I wish I were younger but I’m not.

I got a proposal to sign up for a cost saving

25 year plan . . . when it hit me

I’d be 98 if I make it.

What are the odds?

What shape would I be in? 

Not a lot of time I’d say

the odds aren’t in my favor anymore.

All those years I wished for this or that 

mostly all came true

but they rushed by so quickly 

in a blink of an eye, they’re gone.

And yet so much joy is still being had 

health is still good and though stamina 

is not that of my youth 

the pacemaker allows for an active life.

Trials and tribulations of our youth, 

of work, raising children, 

caring for the dog,

are all past.

What is left?

Caring for each other

through the aches and pains 

that age is sure to deal.

Waking up each morning 

giving thanks for each day 

challenges yet ahead 

seizing each opportunity of joy.

When I was younger 

I was taught to pray,

I prayed for much,

I received much more.

My youth has been spent,

I can’t pray or wish to be younger anymore 

so now I shall pray

to remain steadfast and younger in joy!


Despair >Hope?


My Thoughts on an Evening of Despair 

by Robert Becker – 6/3/2022

For the sanity of the nation we must denounce hate, 

evil, murder, rape, stealing from one’s neighbor, 

coveting another’s wife. To suggest that these 

and the right to bear guns to protect these claims

are some kind of Republican’s right is lunacy. 

We must denounce it. This is not about picking sides. 

It is about right and wrong. 

When Moses came down from the mountain he was clear. 

Throw away your evil ways 

and adhere to the commandments 

the God of all has given you to live by. 

If “in fact” it is “In God We Trust” let us live it. 

Do not fear your neighbor.

Feed and clothe those in need, 

care for the sick and impoverished, help those in need. 

Mark your doorpost with righteousness 

so that the angel of death will pass over us.

It is a sick dog that doesn’t wag it’s tail 

for what is right and good.

In the name of the Christian’s, natives were slaughtered 

for their land, slaves were raped, whipped and lynched 

to ensure free labor for their white slave owners, 

women continue to be used, abused, raped and subjugated,

and those of “two spirits” were confined to a closet way too long.

Laws to protect the white man from these actions have and

continue to be written and upheld under the guise of capitalism.

Enough is Enough! Moses, GOD, bring down your staff on the unjust.


White Privilege

The System of Privilege

by Robert Becker 

I didn’t do my best to achieve in “The System”

nor did I try to beat “The System”

though I did marry up

and did benefit from “The System.”

The use of the term “White Privilege” isn’t helpful,

“White Living” might be more appropriate,

it isn’t as judgmental, “privilege” refers to 

white dominance in economic terms.

Of course to understand dominance

one has to understand the power of evil and hate.

Hate for Native Americans, hate for people of color,

hate of female advancement, infiltrating male dominance.

Martin Luther boldly broke the grip

of Catholicism and it’s hold on male dominated privilege,

the restriction of knowledge,

that “grace” is a gift and “All Are Welcome.”

Be not confused,

the modern day fight is not about abortion,

it is not about the fear of “displacement theory,”

it is the the constant quest of male dominance.

Fear and hate pale to evil,

profiling, murder, incarceration,

judicial joy in the development and adoption of 

Jim Crow laws to negate any “Civil Rights” advance.

We approach the threshold of history once again.

He’s not the kind of King that they want,

the morality, the message just stands in their way,

power, greed and the economy rule their day.

Their concern is not the living, nor the dead,

but power and white male dominance over others,

don’t stand in the way, of their “Insurrection,” 

their takeover at any cost.

Beware my children, the rivers 

run red with blood.

All lives matter, white, black, red, yellow,

Jew, Muslim, gentile, gay and straight.

Don’t get me wrong, I believe in hope.

Throughout history hope has teetered,

all peoples (including our founding fathers)

expressed hope “In God we trust.”

The”Ultimate” judge won’t be

the Supreme Court, the President or

the Congress. Be vigilant, be wary,

put your faith in kindness, love and peace.

The greater power, God will rule,

salvation is His or Hers as each believes,

that ALL will be judged,

that in the end a “System of Justice” will prevail.



No, Yes, Was, Is

by Robert Becker

My legacy

should not be that I was 

a basketball player,

a coach,

a husband,

a father,

an artist,

a poet,

a cook.


A loving son,

a humble friend,

a faithful and loving husband,

a loving father,

seeking truth,

advocating for fairness 

and justice for all,

hoping to make a difference,

No, simply to walk humbly.


As a son,

as a sign painter,

as a salesman,

as faith leader,

as a Food and Clothing Shelf volunteer

as a grandfather,

as an elder

with abilities to do much,

and Yes, a master of none.


Born with a smile,



experiencing joy,

each day life,

one can not hide,

from who one is,

a gift that was given, 

the life that Was ours.


Each year is a blessing,

with age comes some wisdom,

learned from mistakes made,

each correction 

provided small achievements,

road trips and travel

expanded the view

the joy of this world,

to see life . . . as it Is.


What Kind of King do You Want?

They’re still calling for a King 

by Robert Becker

Lord they are still calling for a King 

so many whose power 

has turned them into tyrants 

each and everyone.

And low those many years ago 

after leaving distant shores 

to get away from them, 

their children still won’t listen.

Those with demons still shout out 

homeless still search for food

women still hide behind veils 

and children seek books to read.

The natives too live in exile, 

they cry out as their precious homeland 

is being stripped and worn away, 

the air and water are polluted.

So many gather guns 

still seeking slaves 

to hold dominion over while 

we seek freedom for all.

Distant lands still have their rulers,

Stalin, Hitler, Mao and now 

Putin, Jong-un, Orbán and Duterte 

with iron fists they continue their rule.

We in our prosperity continue to lament 

the pains of the past and present

using the Psalms and critical history books 

as a record of truths for our day.

Jesus is clearly not the King they seek 

compassion, justice, peace and health for all,

make him a pariah to them and

they’d crucify him for his views all over again.

It will take a miracle Lord 

to save us from the tyrant Kings 

the wars they continue to fight aren’t holy wars 

they’re fraught with evil and sin.


Poetry in Motion


by Robert Becker

Wave after wave

each bringing its sound

some come with furry 

others lap gently at the shore.

There is little sound 

in silence 

the ocean 

doesn’t stop its roar.

Leviathan moves quietly 

adding sonar sounds 

to the chorus of waves 

adding music to the score.

As fog rolls in 

waves become eerily silent 

as a fog horn 

warns of shipwreck lore.

The tide rises and settles 

consistently scheduled every day 

waves never ceasing

not concerned for what’s in store.

A ship sets sail 

bobbing and weaving 

descending and cresting 

hoping not to rest on oceans floor.

Year after year, 

century after century 

waves continue their ebb and flow 

from beginning to end … evermore.