
The Shell

       The Shell

        By Robert Becker

The knurled course shell 

a knife to unhinge 

its pearl smooth liner and contents 

the guest couldn’t wait. 

The shell is cracked open 

unveiling liquor sublime 

and like a cup held to the lips

for the hors d’oeuvre they wait.

A taste that not all appreciate 

for some it looks gross 

they certainly won’t try 

the main meal for them they will wait.

For those that sit at the bar 

to let love slide down

the throat accepting and ready

the entre´e can certainly wait.

The aficionado will savor,

tabasco, crackers and beer,

or a glass of champagne 

at the bar while they wait.

Some may find themselves lucky 

if a pearl is found

exposing its beauty, a prize, 

a lottery for which most of us wait.


Poetry Challenge

On MLK Day, Kwame Alexander of NPR posted a poetry challenge asking entrants to craft a poem based on Langston Hughes poem to be based on the words “I Dream A World. I took the challenge. The poem I sent in follows. Be at peace, care for the poor.

I Dream A World

by Robert Becker

I Dream a World 

where white men are true

to words long ago printed.

The nations look to you,

your words more important

than money you have minted.

Honor is your glory

where we the people live at peace

together as he hinted.

I Dream a World, the day is here, 

where hate no longer glistens,

freedom for all reprinted.




by Robert Becker 1/17/21

I write today on the Sabbath 

a day that’s been set aside

to recharge and to rest.

Instead the nation is ugly today

many with guns on the street

filled with hate and unrest.

A squirrel is on my deck

hurrying to gather up seeds

that have fallen,

under the feeder,

where only the birds 

are welcomed to feed.

And people are coming

to the food shelf

to gather up clothing and food.

Their jobs have been lost,

the rent needs to be paid,

as the virus continues to rage.

The dichotomy worries

the hell out of me

as I rest in the warmth of my home.

Waiting and resting 

and hoping that all will be well,

even for the least of all those in need.

Give rest to the weary

and to those heavy laden,

words that I’ve heard and have read.

The repose that quickly follows

points out that “they would not



Wind In The Garden Poem


January 14, 2021

I started the morning with my cup of coffee and checked on the news of the day, I was reminded of the evil that surrounds us. No, this is not a political statement. I’ve been struck by the words of Rev. Lenny Duncan in his book “Dear Church” where he talks about the Christian church. I offer this snippet for you to ponder.

“We stand at the edge of a theological civil war. I don’t say that lightly. The Christian church in America, in its slow and often lurching way, is taking its cues from its members. Right now, its members are at their most divided in modern political history. Right now, the gospel of Jesus Christ is being called “fake news” by one person, while another calls that same person a Nazi. No one is calling each other sibling.

Don’t get me wrong. I don’t want a church of false unity. And some fundamental truths are worth fighting over. I don’t think we need to apologize for formally widening the tent for our LGBTQIA siblings in Christ. Nor do we have to justify welcoming sojourners from distant lands. I will never apologize for feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, or calling for the abolition of prisons. I’d rather stand with the prisoner outside, thank you.

I shouldn’t have to apologize for or tone down the fierce declaration you made to me when I fell in love with you, ELCA: “Jesus made no restrictions on this table[…]”

…“The truth is that evil still stalks the world and our call together as church. And this evil is much vaster than we could have ever imagined. We have lost the ability to name evil for what it is. We don’t believe demons are real. Ask any person of color or LGBTQIA person in this church, and they will tell you that evil is real and stalks their neighborhood or their call committee. That it has followed them around a store while they were shopping. It shamed them in high school for being who they were, their authentic selves. It posts on blogs claiming to expose them. Evil is a system that infects us even at our holiest moments.”

Be well, be safe and be good.



First RRBeckerCreative Post

by Robert “Bob” Becker

Day one of my new website launch. I am so excited to be able to share a bit of myself with you. Becky and I took a walk through our neighborhood gem, Springbrook Nature Center. The walk and the interruptions to the beauty prompted my latest poem. Welcome to my site. I hope you continue to enjoy and follow my blog posts.

Outdoor Dining

The carcass lays flat on its side 

set on a bed of ice

a river bed its table.

The guests have begun to arrive

the order of seating is set,

first is the coyote,

the eagle is next,

the ravens will be last,

all will dine.

They’re not well mannered eaters

the table is scattered with

fur and scraps of food, 

they tug and tear as they eat

as though they were pigs.

A crushing blow to the poor deer.

It seems so cruel,

barbaric at best,

dining in such squalor.

When the meal is over, 

the guests quickly depart

the carcass is left out

no one cleans up.

They should be appalled 

at the mess that they’ve left

apparently no one thought 

it necessary in the wake,

to put the leftovers away.

It seems rather sad

so quiet and somehow so bare

the chatter has ended

leaving a chill in the air 

and the howling of the wind.

No one pays attention to

the homeless tent 

that has been set up

at the far end of the park.

The cruelty of life lays barren

so much death and despair 

exposed here today

and though everyone seems quite aware

they all seem so indifferent 

as the day nears its end,

with everything said and now done

the painful truth has been exposed,

and maybe nothing really matters.

Then as darkness settles in

we say our prayers at night

praying that all will have some hope,

that no one ends the day hungry,

or full of despair,

or succumbed by the cold,

or laying dead,

having lived on the edge,

they too a victim of their time.