
First RRBeckerCreative Post

by Robert “Bob” Becker

Day one of my new website launch. I am so excited to be able to share a bit of myself with you. Becky and I took a walk through our neighborhood gem, Springbrook Nature Center. The walk and the interruptions to the beauty prompted my latest poem. Welcome to my site. I hope you continue to enjoy and follow my blog posts.

Outdoor Dining

The carcass lays flat on its side 

set on a bed of ice

a river bed its table.

The guests have begun to arrive

the order of seating is set,

first is the coyote,

the eagle is next,

the ravens will be last,

all will dine.

They’re not well mannered eaters

the table is scattered with

fur and scraps of food, 

they tug and tear as they eat

as though they were pigs.

A crushing blow to the poor deer.

It seems so cruel,

barbaric at best,

dining in such squalor.

When the meal is over, 

the guests quickly depart

the carcass is left out

no one cleans up.

They should be appalled 

at the mess that they’ve left

apparently no one thought 

it necessary in the wake,

to put the leftovers away.

It seems rather sad

so quiet and somehow so bare

the chatter has ended

leaving a chill in the air 

and the howling of the wind.

No one pays attention to

the homeless tent 

that has been set up

at the far end of the park.

The cruelty of life lays barren

so much death and despair 

exposed here today

and though everyone seems quite aware

they all seem so indifferent 

as the day nears its end,

with everything said and now done

the painful truth has been exposed,

and maybe nothing really matters.

Then as darkness settles in

we say our prayers at night

praying that all will have some hope,

that no one ends the day hungry,

or full of despair,

or succumbed by the cold,

or laying dead,

having lived on the edge,

they too a victim of their time.

7 replies on “First RRBeckerCreative Post”

Bob – congrats on the birth of your new website. It appears that Becky is also part of this new adventure. I enjoyed the content on your site and look forward to becoming a regular visitor. I sure you will have a good following. The birth of your site coincides with my birth, so I feel connected. Happy trails.

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