
The Breath of Life

The Breath of Life

by Robert Becker

Life Begins at First Breath

Life Ends with Last Breath

Jewish tradition teaches 

that breath begins life.

The father whispers the first breath 

in his newborn child’s ear

just as God breathed first life into Adam.

Yahweh is the Hebrew name for God

not necessarily spoken

but breathed, sometime whispered,

Inhale (yah), Exhale (Weh).

Inhale (yah), Exhale (Weh).

Let the breath of life enter in to our

understanding of the sanctity of abortion,

of moral, legal and religious Choice,

that God’s breath decides when

life begins and when life ends.

Even in the time of Jesus

laws were conceived by men,

laws held against women,

laborers, sick, non-Jews, 

and those less fortunate.

Jesus advocated against

many of those laws and practices

and their profiteering in God’s name,

laws that male religious leaders 

used against people of God.

“If every time men had sex, they risked death, 

physical disability, social shunning, 

a life altering interruption of their education or career, 

and the sudden life-long responsibility for another being, 

I think they’d expect a choice in the matter.”

If every time a man raped a woman 

he was convicted and forced to pay restitution 

for the trauma, care for the child until adulthood

or an abortion to save the sanctity of the woman,

I think they’d expect a choice in the matter.

If the courts in their infinite wisdom 

were concerned at all for justice for everyone 

other than dominion and profiteering 

of a white male legal system,

I expect there’d be choice in the matter.

When a President can openly abuse women,

when a Supreme Court Justice can abuse women,

when Senators can abuse women,

when a Priest can abuse young boys,

when a Father can abuse wife and children,

The Life of the Abused as they new it Ends!

They deserve a Choice!