
It has to be said!

Barabbas ‘24

by Robert Becker

We Lutherans sit in our pews

as the pastor spout’s wisdom 

to some reds and some blues.

The truths of compassion,

justice, humble service,

Christian nationals now confuse.

Death to their neighbors black,

red or gay, that stand in their way

of feeling good as they pray.

The pastor is cautious about 

suggesting they vote, 

in fear that some leave with their money that day.

Afraid they too will vote for Barabbas 

rather than the true One

who was sent for us to save.


Back After a Hiatus

For those of you that continue to check this site on occasion I thank you. I have not been writing poetry for a while and thought I should start posting new poems again. Here are two that I’ve just completed.

She is Woman

by Robert Becker 

A woman stands at the precipice.

Oh, women have stood there before

Mary was there,

Golda was there,

Thatcher was there.

Standing on the edge,


daughters of Abraham,

teachers, educators,

Henrietta Lacks was there.

We are ready

the nation needs some …


The time is now and

Kamala is ready.

Watching the Linden Tree

by Robert Becker

As I sit in my sun room watching

our Linden tree

I wonder what the birds

find so joyful as they dart in and out

of the leaves and the seeds

the tree holds.

Or what do the bees find

as they spend all of their time

seemingly touching every

leaf and seed.

And for weeks before the hummingbirds took flight south,

they’d seem to perch on the branches 

fluttering from leaf to seed

after gathering nectar from 

flowers and feeder below.

We’ve found a peaceful sanctuary.

Our downsizing to this magical


with the trees, birds, bees and hummingbirds 

that we all are enjoying and calling home.


Picking Cotton

Cotton Bees

by Robert Becker

Of course not every human would understand what bees are in this context.

The pilling of a cotton blanket whose tiny cotton balls produced timely by the soft nose they end up to next.

And with each loving rubbing the parents found countless joy.

As with each and every thumb to index finger the rubbings she used to deploy.

With index finger placed over her soft nose her bees she’d diligently pick

at her soft special blanket for years she’d be hard pressed to forget.

Addendum to Cotton Picking

by Robert Becker 

After writing the previous poem

I was pained by the joy I experienced by my daughter’s picking cotton bees

and was reminded of the pains the nation’s slaves have endured

when forced to pick cotton until the master dropped the boy.

While the headmaster raped his mother 

all apparently justifiable as part of the master’s plan

while generations of whites that follow 

want to ban the deeds from books simply believing that they can.

Disgusting chapters in the history books

and because they personally didn’t perpetrate the deed

they don’t want their children to know their forefathers 

achieved their family wealth at the expense of such egregious greed.

Let us not keep out of books the horrors, lynching

and murders that occurred at their expense

as southerners rally in denial, or worse, sadistic approval, 

of all that was done while approving and defending a forefather defense.

So too has the white national Christian Church

become complicit and willingly to forgive and forget

the sanctity, justice and human dignity we’ve been taught

in favor of the greed, power and all they feel is their right to get.




by Robert Becker

I am the husband of my wife,

he is the husband of his husband

and she is the wife of her wife

and though pronouns really matter

they simply point out 

who we are and how we fit in 

furthermore to those that are bothered

by pronouns as they’re listed 

I’d simply ask for your kindness and mercy

we’re all on life’s journey together 

“for better or worse”

as marriage vows point out 

and though we are told 

it won’t always be easy 

hopefully we’ll all do our best 

to make sure that all 

yes everyone’s life

will be fulfilled and truly matter.


Vote Woke

Whitewashing Wokeism

by Robert Becker

I believe the matter of 

Republican Evangelical White Wokeism 

is the effort to keep America White,

controlled by economic greed 

denying facts of their greed to the masses. 

In the Old days (when I was a kid) 

they used to call it WHITEWashing,

acknowledging incarceration and inhumane 

free labor while managing 

aristocratic greed for wealth.

Which by the way included 

holding down the advancement 

of poor white folk as well, 

while the halls of justice 

maintained their laws to be kept just so.

Now it involves banning history books,  

banning the vote of all of those forging ahead, 

all to get back to the business of preserving 

white wealth at any cost, forgetting climate, war 

and all that Jesus stood for. 

Crucifying anyone that gets in their way,

while the courts of justice 

included with their gold gilded churches 

fill their coffers of those 

with all they view to be theirs.


Chamber Pot

The Chamber Pot

by Robert Becker

Chamber pot

vintage and discretionary

it’s nocturnal use


an invention of 


long before my time.

Being privy

its use secret

wooden, porcelain, ceramic

out of sight

and discretely disposed

appropriately designed

in the event it is noticed.

Today’s rendition is

unisex, female or male 


for emergency 

during travel, camping,

sitting or standing 

a urination device.

A hospital bedpan

will accommodate 

the full load

though quite uncomfortable 

the required task

can still be accomplished

though not nearly as discrete


A Busy 4 Days


In a span of the past 4 days I have been blown away by two live theater performances and a keynote preacher at a synod Assembly of the Minneapolis ELCA.

The first was a powerful performance of “We Shall Someday” a musical by the Theater latte da at the Ritz Theater. A storyline of the roots of resistance and resilience which ran deep through three generations of a Black family grappling with inequality, violence and oppression. This intimate new musical, performed by four actors in tour de force performances asks us to contemplate the cycle of racism in America and how we might commit to creating real change, set against the backdrop of everyday Black America and the historical events that echo the conversations surrounding civil rights today. From Freedom Riders to Rodney King, this story explores the bonds of family ties that hold us in our most uncertain times, the opportunities and pitfalls of living under oppressive systems, and the decisions we make when given the choice to stand in solidarity with our loved ones – and ourselves. WE SHALL SOMEDAY . . . “Get on the bus” (a reference to the freedom riders).

The second was a powerful presentation by the Rev. Otis Moss III, starting with his insightful conversation referencing the passage from the writings of “Matthew 5 vs. 1-20.” Jesus got out of the boat and went to the tombs (a graveyard) where he met a man. Jesus asked him for his name. “My name is Legion,” he replied, “for we are many.” And he begged Jesus again and again not to send them out of the area. A large herd of pigs was feeding on the nearby hillside. The demons begged Jesus, “Send us among the pigs; allow us to go into them.” He gave them permission, and the impure spirits came out and went …(Legion – noun: a unit of 3,000–6,000 men in the ancient Roman army, adjective: a great number). Legion was incarcerated to keep him quiet and out of sight by the Romans and had been persecuted and rejected by both Rabbi’s and “the church.” When he had been made clean by Jesus they were afraid of him. They weren’t afraid of him when he was incarcerated. The Pigs that were filled with the legion of demons committed (“pigicide”). Jews do not eat pork so it would make sense that the 2,000 pigs were probably a for profit black market industry, a for profit industrial complex of capitalism within their midst. Graveyard religion . . . what is the church? .  . . Living out FAITH”

The third was a powerful Broadway performance of “Hamilton” at the Orpheum Theater in Minneapolis. Written by Lin-Manuel Miranda. A story of the beginning time of America then as told by today’s American musical  theater. Hamilton follows the young immigrant Alexander Hamilton from the West Indies on his way to becoming George Washington’s right-hand man through the Revolutionary War and the new nation’s first Secretary of the Treasury through a mixture of impeccable music and an insightful message of American history.

Addendum of Fact:

The Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution, put in the fundamental law the principle that the federal government trumps state power. It reads, “No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws,” and it gives Congress the “power to enforce…the provisions of this article.”


To Judy

Cool Beans

by Robert Becker

My co-worker always says “cool beans”

and the food shelf we run stocks;

Kidney Beans, Green Beans,

Garbanzo Beans, Black Beans,

Pinto Beans, Pork & Beans

and sometimes even Chili Beans.

They, of course, are all canned beans

“ cool beans” is just a figure of speech.

The “cool” part of the beans 

is that they are offered for free 

to all

“everyone is welcome.”

So “cool beans” is quite accurate 

the FREE part is quite amazing

that beans, milk, vegetables, bread

and even clothing are all given for free 

no strings attached

I’d say that’s “cool beans” for sure.

— for my amazing co-worker – Judy


To my friend Dennis

A Native Arizona Fire

by Robert Becker

A fire is burning 

a smoke cloud billows

from mesquite wood aflame 

its languid odor fills the air.

Arizona air is arid and warm

a pot boils on an open hearth

a hare rotates

on a spit nearby.

On a wood fire grill in Minnesota

so far from that Arizona fire

there’s a reminiscent odor

a thousand miles away.

Saguaro Cactus and Mesquite trees

populate the arid Arizona soil

from which the hare succumbed

its smell and flavor now too taste.

Mother Earth grants her sustenance

in all regions of the earth.

Smell’s and tastes Her bounty,

a Mesquite tree Her simple flavoring.

No matter the spit on which a hare will roast

the smells and taste produced

by mesquite smoke will be

reminiscent of a native Arizona fire.


Conversation about David


by Robert Becker

And now all the talk is about David

and they”re not talking about David’s hair.

They’ve found themselves in their Eden

afraid of being naked, though God didn’t care.

Oh give me a home where the Buffalo roam

before Buffalo Bill slaughtered the herd.

Thinking that once slaughtered and gone

natives would too perish, for whites the final word.

Now they’re e(race)ing the history books

afraid of the truths they’re telling.

Afraid that mothers, daughters, gays and people of color

infringe on their power, so now they are yelling.

From the statehouse steps new laws are being written 

hoping for more carnage on those in their way.

Even putting a fig leaf on Disney that stands in their way

our hopes once again lie with David, that he’ll save the day.

They are carefully crafting their hateful powers

and if they fall short they’ll ask for a pardon.

Shameful now of the nakedness they feel

using fig leaves and laws to control God’s precious garden.