
Conversation about David


by Robert Becker

And now all the talk is about David

and they”re not talking about David’s hair.

They’ve found themselves in their Eden

afraid of being naked, though God didn’t care.

Oh give me a home where the Buffalo roam

before Buffalo Bill slaughtered the herd.

Thinking that once slaughtered and gone

natives would too perish, for whites the final word.

Now they’re e(race)ing the history books

afraid of the truths they’re telling.

Afraid that mothers, daughters, gays and people of color

infringe on their power, so now they are yelling.

From the statehouse steps new laws are being written 

hoping for more carnage on those in their way.

Even putting a fig leaf on Disney that stands in their way

our hopes once again lie with David, that he’ll save the day.

They are carefully crafting their hateful powers

and if they fall short they’ll ask for a pardon.

Shameful now of the nakedness they feel

using fig leaves and laws to control God’s precious garden.